Tuesday, January 27, 2009


'With blessings from me to you...'
That is the way all my communication is now sent. Email, blogs, phones, written mail or cards are all send with the bequest of blessings. We can bless one another and we can bless God. I choose to speak those blessings to you. I need to hear that someone loves me, thinks I'm grand or wishes the best for me. God appreciates my appreciation and praise. We were made like Him so I think we all need to hear and to say those words of encouragement.
Today, snow, sleet and ice dominates the weather. We can choose to complain and worry or we can choose to look at the beauty of the day. And it is beautiful! The cardinals at my feeders are happy for that extra seed today.
I cannot travel to OKC to celebrate my daughter's birthday, but a change in plans does not mean the whole day is a wash. It is a perfect day to spend with my husband cozied up in a warm home. The business of the day is interrupted but I will get a quiet day to finish a task, for me that means the taxes! Change can be a blessing.
I will choose to bless and to be blessed!