Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Three Seconds Rule

Being a naturally clumsy person,I learned the 'Five-seconds Rule' early in life. 'If you drop something edible on the floor and you can retrieve it in five seconds, eat it anyway.' Say 'gross' if you want, that rule has saved many a parent food replacement costs and dealing with a disappointed and crying child. I have never died or been horribly sick from the 5-Seconds Rule.

It has taken me quite a bit longer to learn the much more important Three-Seconds Rule: 'If you keep you mouth shut for three seconds, then the Holy Spirit has a chance to direct your words.'

This is more than a variation of 'count to ten if you are angry'. For example, sometimes we say the dumbest things when we think something is funny. We can do great damage with our words when someone already feels inadequate or foolish. How about just taking three seconds for the Holy Spirit to build some compassion before we speak?

This is really a personal control and discipline rule. Wait three seconds before you respond to an angry person. Count three seconds before you correct the wait staff at the restaurant. Get to three seconds between every exchange in a serious or tense discussion.

If I observe the 3-Seconds Rule, the Holy Spirit just might get a word in edgewise! He can change my day, improve a relationship, stop an argument and just generally make me a nicer person.
blessing for the day!


  1. Such good teaching here, Paula. Sometimes I speak too quickly so I will take this to heart. I linked to you today. Come visit.

  2. Hi Paula! I am here from Susans blog. I too, am accustomed to the 5 second rule. I like the 3 second rule too and think I should use it frequently!

  3. This really spoke to me. I have a habit of speaking too quickly and having to ask for forgiveness afterward... Will try to keep this rule. Thanks for the tip.
    I came from Susan´s blog and have decided to follow you. Your insights sound like they will help me!

  4. That's so true, Paula, and it's amazing how 'long' three seconds seem when we're so used to just spouting off at the drop of a hat.
    God bless!

  5. I love this! I am here from Susan's place. I have to say that I am also a Pastor's Wife and I am heading into a counseling situation tonight where I will be using this rule a lot. I'm so glad I stopped by for that reason.



  6. Hi again, Paula, OT here but I just signed your 'Followers' list twice! I can't figure out how to delete one of them. (The 'faceless' Brenda was signed in under my husbands name, so it you can delete that one)

  7. Hi Paula, Susan sent me over.

    I am a pastor's wife. I find that this rule is important for everyone to do, but especially those in leadership. People in leadership carry a lot more weight than they realize and their words can hurt even deeper. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

  8. Hello Paula, nice to meet you. I know Susan who sent me over.
    I do not get angry easily but when I do I would rather chew my own tongue off not reacting then to lash out at someone. How do I know what is going on in their lives or what kind of day they have had. Thanks for the great post!

  9. Enjoyed visiting your blog tonight by way of Susan's blog.

    Lately I have been way too quick to speak. I must learn this concept of which you posted about.

    Blessings of peace and all that is good.

  10. I so needed to hear this! Today has been a trying day as me and my 3 young children are awaiting Daddy to return tomorrow - having been gone since Monday. We are all burned out and tired. I wish I would have read this first thing this morning, or I think our morning may have been much better.

    By the way, I stopped over from Susan's - she is such a blessing!!

  11. Hi,
    I'm here from Susan's blog. I've enjoyed reading your blog and have it bookmarked!


  12. I couldn't remember where I read this last week. I used it so much in my counseling last week. 3 seconds...then speak. Listen to God...then speak. So beautiful.

  13. Hi, just stopping in and to see the followers on the HH4H blog.

    I have to tell you that this is the 2nd thing I've read today along this theme. I think God is trying to tell me something. This is wonderful Godly advice. I need to count to 3 more often.

